Whether you use them or not, vending machines have been used a ton at many schools throughout the U.S. for over 70 years, this school of course is included. Many people here at FHS do enjoy the vending machines, but there are also people who dislike some of the things about the vending machines. Well, I have done the duty to see people’s opinions on the vending machines and figure out if we can make some sort of change to make them better.
I went to 5 different people who gave their honest opinions on our subject so we can see some of the main pros and cons about the vending machines. And of course, this is subjective, you don’t have to agree with everything people say, let’s not take this completely seriously as this is more for fun and to see if our school listens to the suggestions that their students are talking about.
How often do you use the vending machines?
Huzaifa Sarwar – Freshman – Student: “About every two weeks if I’m feeling hungry in the morning, that’s it.”
Jerome Smith (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “Every morning.”
Jerome Beniz (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “ Like, every morning.”
Lexi Baio – Junior – Athlete: “Every other day.”
Jade Hamliton – Junior – Post Athlete: “Once or twice a week.”
What are some of the usual things you get from the vending machine?
Huzaifa Sarwar – Freshman – Student: “Normally a water, and like, maybe a snack.”
Jerome Smith (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “Chips and fruit snacks.”
Jerome Beniz (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “I either get a drink or a snack, maybe a Snapple or Dorito chips. ”
Lexi Baio – Junior – Athlete: “I usually get Goldfish.”
Jade Hamliton – Junior – Post Athlete: “Some doritos.”
Do you think the vending machines prices are fair?
Huzaifa Sarwar – Freshman – Student: “For some things definitely not.”
Jerome Smith (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “No, they should all be 50 cent, every item. I be broke sometimes…”
Jerome Beniz (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “ No! They aren’t fair! A fruit roll-up is $1.75 while everything else is $1.60”
Lexi Baio – Junior – Athlete: “Somewhat.”
Jade Hamliton – Junior – Post Athlete: “Yes, cause it’s cheap.”
Should they add anything or remove anything from the vending machines?
Huzaifa Sarwar – Freshman – Student: “Nope, it’s pretty good, the variety and stuff.”
Jerome Smith (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “I think they should remove the Knott’s Strawberry snack and they should put honey buns.”
Jerome Beniz (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “Remove the Knott’s Strawberry snack, get that gone, oatmeal, raisins, get that gone. The pure leaf and yes the Prime should be gone.”
Lexi Baio – Junior – Athlete: “No.”
Jade Hamliton – Junior – Post Athlete: “Yes, more snacks. As teenagers we don’t want some of that nasty stuff.”
Do you think that it’s good that you can only grab stuff from the vending machines before and after school hours?
Huzaifa Sarwar – Freshman – Student: “Yeah, definitely”
Lexi Baio – Junior – Athlete: “No.”
Jade Hamliton – Junior – Post Athlete: “No, because with lunch I can’t buy regular food they should have the vending machines open.”
Should you be able to grab stuff from the vending machines during lunch as well?
Huzaifa Sarwar – Freshman – Student “Yeah.”
Jerome Smith (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “I think we should be able to come here and get a snack whenever we want, they’d make more money.”
Jerome Beniz (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “We should be able to grab stuff during lunch and whenever we want, they’d make more money!”
Lexi Baio – Junior – Athlete: “Yeah I think they should.”
Jade Hamliton – Junior – Post Athlete: “Yes.”
I also asked if people played any sports here at the boro, so this way we can see if other athletes approve of what they can get before practice.
As an athlete, do you think that the stuff here at the vending machines are good for the teams?
Jerome Smith (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “Yes, they’re awesome, wonderful.”
Jerome Beniz (Fake name) – Sophomore – Athlete: “Yeah, of course.”
Lexi Baio – Junior – Athlete: “Yeah cause there’s gatorade, protein and stuff.”
Jade Hamliton – Junior – Post Athlete: “I mean, they have one thing which is gatorade but what else is there? Just that.”

So, what can we conclude about all of this? The main things that were heard was that some prices are outrageous and that they should make things cheaper. This makes sense as we are just high school students after all, we just want to get something cheap and fast. We also do really want to get rid of a few snacks and add more, a nice solution would most likely be a poll that us students can make suggestions to what snacks and drinks we can add to the vending machines. And the most important thing from all of this is that we should be able to go to the vending machines during lunch. The best way that this can be done is that one or two teachers can be in the vending machine hallway and can just keep an eye on everyone, perhaps sending out groups of people at a time to go get something. And the one in the freshmen cafe should always be on.
Even the little things at this school can make a great impact on the experience of many, listening to our ideas shows how we can improve the school more and more. Whoever from the staff is reading this, take some of our ideas into consideration, and one last thing, please add regular Sunchips in the vending machines. I don’t like cheddar.
Rowan • Dec 13, 2024 at 11:11 am