Count on Her: Mrs. Lemberger

Image courtesy of Zachary Berger
As William Spady, the father of outcome based education, said, ““All students can learn and succeed, but not in the same way and not in the same day.” Mrs. Elisa Lemberger takes that to heart and is the embodiment of the guide for students along that journey. Let’s take a look at the variables that make up the equation that is Mrs. Lemberger.
Mrs. Lemberger’s love of math started early on; it was simply a matter of looking at it like a puzzle to figure out. She felt that math came easy to her and, like jenga, was like a problem to solve. Back in 1996, Mrs. Lemberger started teaching in New York City. She taught 8th grade for 6 years. Then she went into teaching high school, with 2022-2023 being her 21st year at Boro. Mrs. Lemberger said that teaching is about the students: “I like to help students and it makes me feel good to be able to influence and help students have confidence and motivate them in life.”
To motivate students, Mrs. Lemberger draws upon who influenced her and made her fall in love with math: “My high school Geometry teacher. She not only was a good teacher, but she showed that she cared about me and her other students.” However, she has another person she looks up to: “I look up to my mom since she was my first teacher, and still gives me advice daily. I also rely on my peers to help improve my teaching skills.”
With that peer assistance, Mrs. Lemberger has her own teaching style nonetheless. “I like to apply the math to everyday life or teach life lessons. I give my students choices so that they can work at their own pace and it differentiates the skills to meet each students needs. I like teaching high school math and interacting with the students.”
With the Mega Millions increasing to such a large sum, one always wonders what they’d do if they won the lottery. Some people would buy an island, some fancy cars, but mainly self indulgent items. Mrs. Lemberger shared a more selfless side when asked if she won the lottery, “I would go on a nice vacation with my family and I would share with others that are not as fortunate.”
As students we are often asked what we will do once we graduate and finish high school. When teachers are asked what they would do when they are done teaching, vacations are usually a good place to start. Mrs. Lemberger had an even better idea, “I would sleep late without an alarm clock and travel and do activities outside.”