Teacher Feature: Mr. Miller

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Confidence factors into many different facets. Some would even say it helps in winning. But winning isn’t everything – doing your best and believing in yourself is what matters to Mr. Miller. “My favorite part about teaching and coaching is assisting young men and women to develop self-confidence during their high school career.  I truly enjoy watching my students and athletes strive to achieve their personal best in the classroom and on the court,” the gym teacher says.

Mr. Miller has worked for the Freehold Regional High School District since 2002, and joined the Freehold Boro family in 2006. He teaches physical education as well as the medical terminology class, which is a part of the Health Professions Pathway Program (one of the three year programs offered at Boro). In addition to teaching, he is the head coach of both the boys’ and girls’ tennis programs.

Every school year Mr. Miller looks forward to seeing all of the senior athletes at the senior awards ceremony and graduation. When asked about any specific incident that stood out to him when remembering his years at the Boro, there were too many to choose just one. “There are so many that come to mind… The first football sectional title in 2008, the boys’ tennis division championship in 2022, and working with some of the greatest educators and staff within the FRHSD.”

Mr. Miller and his wife enjoy their free time at the beach; however, time is sparse with two teenagers at home to shuttle around. When you believe in yourself and try your best, whether it be on the fields, courts, or in the classroom, you will gain confidence and to Mr. Miller that counts as a win!