AP Bridge: Is It Worth It?


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Lately, there have been a lot of announcements regarding the AP Bridge program. Although the announcements typically offer basic information about the program, such as when to register and the fact that it’s meant to help prepare students for AP classes, it doesn’t offer any specific information that may be crucial to whether or not a student wants to do the program. This article will hopefully provide you with all the information you need to know about what to expect from the program and any alternative learning methods you can employ.

I took this program in the summer before my freshman year of high school since I was going to take AP Biology. During the week the program was taking place, my peers and I were taught part of a unit of AP Biology and asked AP-style questions about the unit. In my case, the instructor started with the first unit in the curriculum. 

One of the positive aspects of this program was the fact that an experienced teacher was teaching it. This meant that it was easy to ask questions whenever they came up, and getting an answer didn’t require wasting time reading through lengthy articles online. Another positive is that this program also helps prepare students for AP-style questions. 

One of the negative aspects of this program is the strict time period that it takes place in. Although this may not be a problem for some people, I found it to be somewhat inconvenient since I had to work during the class. That being said, it was easier for me to be at work while also doing the program since I was taking the program virtually.

I would also like to mention some other aspects of the program that can be either positive or negative depending on the person. Firstly, it costs 50 dollars per AP Bridge course per class. Secondly, the lessons are taught in a lecture format. 

However, it’s possible to get an AP Bridge experience without actually taking the course. Since the course primarily consists of learning the first unit in an AP class and becoming exposed to the questions in the class, it’s very easy to accomplish these things using resources like Khan Academy or Quizlet. The College Board also posts test questions from past exams on their website, which can be found by searching “[insert class] AP exam FRQs”. 

So, is the AP Bridge program worth it? The truth is that this answer will vary for everyone. However, if you’re someone who has a lot of time in the summer and prefers learning through live lectures, then this program will probably be beneficial for you. If not, then there are other alternatives, such as watching lectures or finding AP-style questions for that specific subject.